If you’re a student at a college or high school, we are here to help you. Since 1974, we’ve been a trusted resource for students, providing free, confidential services to help with an unplanned pregnancy. Make an appointment today to talk to someone about your situation and your options. You have rights as a student, and you’re not alone.
Missing your period isn’t always an indication that you’re pregnant. As a student, you face pressures that might impact your monthly cycle. Lifestyle, exercise, diet and even medication can sometimes make your period late. If you’ve missed your period or you’re experiencing other pregnancy symptoms, the most important thing you can do is determine if you’re really pregnant. Make an appointment at an Elevate Life affiliated Center or Clinic near you for a free pregnancy test – many offer same day appointments. Our tests are medical quality, 99% accurate and completely free.
Telling your parents that you’re pregnant can be very overwhelming. You may be worried about breaking the news to them or determined to find a solution to your pregnancy before they ever find out. You’re not alone. We understand how stressful telling your parents can be. Our staff is available to talk to you about your situation and provide support and tips for telling your parents you’re pregnant.
Take it day by day